Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pickled Bell pepper

 The sweet and sour taste of this pickles makes it a perfect pair for fried fish or any no sauce dish, like baked pork chop or grilled chicken to name a few. 

A modified version of the Filipino's Pickled Papaya or Achara

1/4 of a med. piece, cut into thin match sticks
1/4 of a piece of each color of bell peppers (red, orange, green and yellow), cut thinly (use mandolin if you have one)
1/2 finger sized ginger, finely minced and crashed (use mortar and pestle if available)
Half a content of a box of raisins
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup white sugar or sugar free honey
1/4 tsp. salt
Ground black Pepper to taste

1. In a pan stir water, vinegar, sugar or sugar free honey, salt, ground black pepper and ginger. Boil for 5 mins. and turn off heat.
2. Combine and mix all the peppers, raisins and carrots and put them in a jar. Pour the boiled mixture in the jar and marinade for at least one day. Store in the fridge when not being used.
3. Use this dish as side to your baked or fried fish, chicken, pork or beef.

This recipe is Lannie Armstrong's recipe inspired by the Filipino version of Achara or Pickled papaya. Feel free to share or use it for your home cooking.

Food for the Soul

The fear of man lays a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.

Proverbs 29:25

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