Monday, July 29, 2013

Kale Salad

            I first tried this recipe in an Easter Sunday Fellowship in 2012, made by a friend, Janine. I can't forget about it even after a few months so I asked her for the recipe when I got the chance but said she didn't use any recipe so instead she told me what the ingredients are. It's really delicious, easy and nutritious.

Recipe Yield: Servings for Four

4 leaves of kale, ribs removed, coarsely chopped and washed
2 medium sized tomatoes, diced
1/4 med. sized white onion or more if you want, finely diced
1 scallion or green onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Dash of Sazon Con Azafran Seasoning mix

1. Place the chopped kale leaves to a pot. Pour water enough to cover the amount of the leaves. Bring to a boil until the green become chewy but still firm.
2. Drain the leaves and place it in a bowl. Add the tomatoes, white onion and scallion (green onion) and toss. Season it with salt, ground black pepper and Sazon seasoning and give it a final toss.
3. Place on a serving platter and enjoy!

Note: Sazon Con Azafran Seasoning mix contains MSG so be careful not to use too much of it. You may even skip it and just add a little more salt for a healthier version of it.

The measurement is made by yours truly, Lannie Amstrong. Feel free to share and use it for your home cooking.

Food for the Soul

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4: 32, ESV

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